
Bowling Pin Shoot Dates

Bowling Pin Shoot Dates

Monthly bowling pin shoot is on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6pm to 8:30 PM. The last three dates of the season are:  July 17, 2024, August 21, 2024 & September 18, 2024. Don’t miss out!

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2024 State Championships

2024 State Championships

Olivia Thesing shot a 96 to win the High overall female shooter and also High Varsity female shooter. The Lancer’s placed second in our conference and were awarded a trophy which hopefully will be placed in the High School trophy case. Tommy Riffe played the National Anthem on guitar at the opening ceremony on Tuesday. Over 8000 High School students participated in the program this year State wide , Minnesota’s State shoot is the largest Trap Shoot in the World!!

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